載着資訊的「媒體」(包括電視、報章、政府文件、課本、網絡等等)往往會因應其特質而提供他們詮釋的資訊,這個資訊再表述的過程涉及很多值得我們深思的問題。媒體素養(Media Literacy泛指個人在各類通訊處境中取用資訊理解信息表達意念的能力。這門知識能為通識教育提供一些實用指引,涵蓋學生在處理各類當代議題時需要展示的能力。本網誌旨在匯聚這方面的資料,以供教育工作者參考。


Use of ICT in the UK Curriculum

Use of ICT in the UK Curriculum

Pupils should be given opportunities to apply and develop their ICT capability through the use of ICT tools to support their learning in all subjects (at key stage 1, there are no statutory requirements to teach the use of ICT in the programmes of study for the non-core foundation subjects. Teachers should use their judgement to decide where it is appropriate to teach the use of ICT across these subjects at key stage 1. At other key stages, there are statutory requirements to use ICT in all subjects, except physical education). Pupils should be given opportunities to support their work by being taught to:

(1) find things out from a variety of sources, selecting and synthesising the information to meet their needs and developing an ability to question its accuracy, bias and plausibility;

(2) develop their ideas using ICT tools to amend and refine their work and enhance its quality and accuracy;

(3) exchange and share information, both directly and through electronic media;

(4) review, modify and evaluate their work, reflecting critically on its quality, as it progresses;

Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the UK Curriculum.
National Curriculum Online for England

Posted by Chitat Chan
Media Education i-world, hkedcity, 2004

